The Genesis Generation Challenge encourages you to make a personal connection to other teams and our judges. Therefore, you are asked to submit a video presentation, which captures your own pitch for why your proposed project should be funded. You will upload a short digital film before you can complete the application requirements. Video submissions should follow these guidelines:
A length of 30-120 seconds (no more than 2 minutes).
One person (two maximum) should present him or herself during the video.
Focus on providing a personal connection; it is not necessary to produce a sophisticated video.
Your pitch must be in English.
Video submissions that do not follow these guidelines may be removed from the application.
Here are some logistical and technical suggestions:
Video cameras, digital cameras, and phones are easy ways to record your video.
Laptop and desktop computers can typically record video through Skype or other software.
If possible, set to a low resolution to reduce file size. This will enable an easier video uploading process.
Here are general suggestions for delivering a high-quality video pitch:
Introduce yourself and your organization.
What is your proposed project?
What is unique about your team and approach?
Hone your content:
Keep your description and language simple.
Demonstrate passion through your words and enthusiasm.
Thoroughly prepare.
Practice numerous times and solicit feedback from colleagues, family, and friends.
You may publish your video to other registrants or teams and solicit their feedback.